Thanks to all who performed and came out for the last Bangkok Poetry happening a few weeks back -- and/or the special Bombyx Stories event at Opposite last week.
We wanted to give you a heads-up about our next event in a few weeks!
Please join us on Thursday, May 22 at 8:00PM at WTF Cafe & Gallery for "In Memory."
For this event, we're looking for performers who can find some compelling way to explore the theme's many possible meanings. Perhaps you'd like to tackle something about the nature of memory (what we remember, what we forget). Or tell a story that has remained with you for some curious reason. Or maybe you'd like to explore the idea of "memorial" and give an elegy for someone you've known or admired who has passed recently.
If you'd like to perform a poem, rap, short film, graphic novelette, or story (under seven minutes) email us your idea, and we'll get you on the list: .
And if you know of other artistic events going on in the city, please send us the details and we'll spread the word here and on our Facebook page (